Sahara सहारा is a Hindi word which means ‘support’

We are a non-Government Organisation established in 2002, with a full U.K Charity status awarded in 2004.

our objectives

Supporting the vulnerable...

the physically, mentally, economically and socially challenged children and youths in India.

Promoting holistic healthcare...

in the local community through offering facilities for yoga, counselling, meditation and preventative healthcare workshops.

key features of our chosen projects

They were all started by compassionate visionaries with their own personal resources and had very humble beginnings

They all offer something unique, not easily available elsewhere

All four chosen NGOs are recipients of national awards for their achievements.

Support for Neurodiverse Children and Youth

Founded in 1991, Action for Autism (AFA) is a remarkable Indian non-profit organization that focuses on education, training, and advocacy for individuals with autism and those who support them.

Support for Physically challenged

First established in 1987 in a tent with just 30 children, Akshya Pratishthan has been empowering underprivileged and differently-abled children, over the past 3 decades through inclusive education.

Girls Education with a Difference

Established in 2001 on the ancestral property of the founder, in one of the poorest rural UP villages in India, where no girl had ever been to school, PPES now has 3500 girls on its register.

It is currently adding further classrooms to reach the target of 6000 by April 2026.

Orphanage in Haridwar, Uttarakhand

This is our baby project, which we have nurtured from its very humble beginnings in 2002, when there were only 10-12 children of lepers and was managed by just one couple.

It now houses 100 orphan boys, with qualified academic staff, a sports teacher, a music teacher and a fully-equipped computer lab.

Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others

– Booker T. Washington

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